Tag Archives: virginity

Are young Mormons still “waiting” for marriage?

16 Nov

While browsing around the web tonight (as I am wont to do), I stumbled across this an article about why young Christians aren’t waiting for sex anymore at CNN’s Belief Blog.  And it got me wondering whether young Mormons are still waiting.  In brief the blog post makes the following points: Continue reading

“..Virginity isn’t even real..” The Musical.

9 Jun

Because C made a really insightful comment about virginity on Fanny’s post Know Your Body.

And because Sylvia has recently asked What the role of Religion is in our Sexuality

A little song for you.  Warning: it has the “F” word.  Oh, and the “BS” word.

Full lyrics posted here on Feministing.  But here’s a sample:

“…I’m not a virgin
Because virginity isn’t even real
Not a virgin
It’s just a heteropatriarchal construct
Designed to police how you feel….”


So, what do you like about it, what do you hate about it?